Prophecy Concerning the Death of Billy Graham
by Markus Davidson

Several years ago, during a time of extended prayer, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit concerning the death of three prominent figures: Ariel Sharon, Billy Graham and Queen Elizabeth. I was made aware by God's Spirit that the passing of these three people would signal three major changes in the world likened to the moving of tectonic plates of the earth. At that time, I shared this impression with our church and extensively on social media. Not quite a year after I shared this prophetic impression, Ariel Sharon died. What occurred almost immediately after his death was the sudden meteoric rise of Isis in the Middle East which literally re-drew the geographic map of that region of the world. Now, with the passing of Billy Graham, I believe we are about to witness yet another major shift that will continue a realignment of both the natural and spiritual worlds in preparation for the coming of the Lord and the removal of His Bride from the earth.

UPDATE May 9, 2018

Recently I heard Anne Graham Lotz say that the Lord had shown her that her father's passing marked the moment when the Gospel had been preached to the whole world...and now the end comes. Here is one of her written quotes: "I do know that in the three weeks since word of my father’s Homegoing was made public, the Gospel has been proclaimed worldwide over and over in every conceivable way by individuals, news media, ministries, entertainers, talk shows, churches…and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)